
Scar is one of the most beautiful sensual gothic girls on the net! Creative, artistic,
perceptive, and so so hot. By turns, tender and submissive and wild and dangerous,
Scar is absolutely unforgettable.
Scar 13 features beautiful artistic depictions of the eroticism of wild
subculture. Obviously, this is intended for an adult audience. All of
the pages following this one are designed with adults in mind. Content
may include fetish fashion, nudity, tattoos and piercings, masturbation,
oral sex, anal toys, bondage, lesbians, and other activities of erotic
interest to Scar. By entering this site, you affirm that you are aware
of the laws and community standards of the place you reside and you
affirm that in visiting our site you are not violating any of the laws
or community standards of the place you reside. In most places, this
means you must be over age eighteen, but it may be twenty-one depending
on location. You understand that all images, text, design elements, and
other creative material on this site is copyrighted and may not be
reproduced or redistributed in any way, in any form, in any media. All
models were of legal age at the time of shooting. Proof of age and
copyright is on file. You further affirm that the legal venue for any
issue pertaining to this site shall be Los Angeles, California in the
USA. If you are underage or, for some other reason of law or community
standards, can not visit us yet, please hang out at other cool sites
until you are of age or move someplace more fun. Thanks for assisting us
in upholding the law.